
Remember the Classroom Objects.
Play these games and have fun.


Answer about your family

How many brothers and sister have you got?
Have you got a big or a small family?

Answer about your brothers and sisters...


Let's work!

Here you can study the verb Have Got.

Click the image to open the document ( Tween 5 - Areal)

Verb Have Got and Verb To Be

Click the image to open the document ( Tween 5 - Areal)


Who is ...?

Look at Ellen's family tree and complete the sentences in your notebook. 

Follow the example. Ask or answer the questions.

a) Who is Henry? (Ellen)  |          He is Ellen's father. 

Tween 5 - Areal Editores

1. Who is Adam (Paula)?
2. Who is Amelia (justin)?
3. ________________ ? She's Vera's daughter.
4. ________________ ? He's Hugh's grandfather.
5. Who is George (Sarah)?
6. Who is Jack (Paula)?
7. Who is Henry (Hugh)?
8. ________________ ? She's Amelia's sister-in-law.
9. Who is Lucy (Justin)?
10. ______________ ? They are Sarah and George's Grandsons.


Family Tree

Look at this family tree and then play the memory game.

Play the memory game



Find the correct word for the given phrase:
    Complete the exercise in your notebook